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Lunchtime Writer Program - daily writing exercises

  • 365 Days
  • 113 Steps


This course presents to you a daily email with a scenario, to write a story. A serious writer is dedicated to their craft. A serious writer has a deep-seated desire to create stories. A serious writer knows they need to practice, learn, and grow their craft. Practice is the key. If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. Professional and dedicated musicians practice every day by planning a time within their diary to practice musical scales, songs and physicality of holding their musical instrument. Singers use their vocal chords to tune their instrument. Actors rehearse a different monologue every day to keep their craft aligned and strong. • Your scales are the elements of story structure. • Your songs are your characters and storyline. • Your instrument is your imagination. A writer needs to write, every day. A serious writer writes every day. As a writer who hungers to be ahead of the rest, you need to write story, every day. This is your practice. This is your exercise. You must exercise your creative muscles and write a single A4 page without edits, procrastination, or reworking. Just write. Over time, you'll notice a vast improvement in your creativity. This regime could be the start of your next incredible creative project. Don’t overthink it. Once you are done, either burn it or file it. Don’t stop writing, you must practice every day. Even if you are writing your next blockbuster script, take up your daily exercise regime for no more than one A4 page.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Foundation Writer, $5.00/month


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